How do I cancel & refund a ticket to my attendees?

Note: For Indian events, if they want to process the refund to their attendees, they need to mail as we grant them access, which is valid for 24 hours. Once the access is granted, they can follow the steps below to process the refund.

Below are the steps you need to follow to cancel & refund a ticket:

  1. Go to the profile dropdown on the top right of the website and click on the "Manage Events" option.

  1. Select the relevant event to go to the Event Dashboard, and on the menu on your left, select the "Registration" option.

  1. Navigate to the Payments tab. Find the relevant ticket and click on its Action dropdown. Then, click on Cancel Tickets.

Note: Once you cancel the ticket, the refund will be processed, and the dashboard will display a transaction ID that you can copy. You can find the exact same transaction ID in your PayPal/Stripe dashboard to validate.

Keep in Mind: When processing payments through AllEvents, we will initiate the refunds from your side (via PayPal or Stripe Checkout Dashboard).

Keep in Mind: When receiving payments offline, we urge you to refund the transaction amount to the concerned attendees as per your cancellation or refund policy.

Should you require additional assistance or have any questions, please feel free to reach out to

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