How to delete a ticket type?

Go to the profile dropdown on the top right of the website → My Events → Event Dashboard → Registrations → Issue Tickets Dropdown → Manage Ticket Types → Actions→ Pause Registrations.

When you pause registrations for a ticket type, it will not be visible to your ticket buyers until you resume its registrations.

Using Desktop Website

  1. Go to the profile dropdown on the top right of the website and open the My Events page.

  1. Make sure you choose the right Organizer Page, find the relevant event, and click on Dashboard.

  1. Click on Registrations on the left menu table under Manage Event

  1. Now click on the Issue Tickets dropdown menu on the right and select Manage Ticket Types.

  1. Navigate to the Actions dropdown of the ticket type you want to pause registrations for and click on Pause Registrations.

You can choose to resume registrations for a ticket type any time you like.

Go to the Actions dropdown and click on Resume Registrations.

Using Mobile App

  1. Open your AllEvents Event Manager app. Find the relevant event from your events list and tap on Edit.

  1. Scroll down to the end of the page and tap on Manage Ticketing.

  1. Navigate to the Actions dropdown of the ticket type you want to pause registrations for and click on Pause Registrations.

You can choose to resume registrations for a ticket type any time you like.

Go to the Actions dropdown and click on Resume Registrations.

Should you require additional assistance or have any questions, please feel free to reach out to

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