How do I send email invites for my event using email credits?

We highly recommend using the 200 Email Credits we provide for every published event. If you use these email credits, we will send a specially designed invitation to your contacts using email.

Keep in Mind: 1 email credit = 1 email

Note: Once you've utilized your initial 200 email credits, you must purchase additional credits to continue running email campaigns. Please note that purchased credits are valid for one year from the date of purchase.

Below are the steps you need to follow to send email invites using email credit:

  1. Go to the profile dropdown on the top right of the website and click on the Manage Events option.

  1. Select the relevant event to go to the Event Dashboard, and on the menu on your left, select Email Campaigns in the Marketing dropdown menu.

  1. Scroll down, click on Launch Email Campaign, and name your email campaign before pressing "Create."

  2. You will find three different email templates. You can check how they would look by clicking on Preview Template. Choose the one you like best and click on Use Template.

  1. You will then see the Edit Template box. You can edit the details as you want from the section on the left. You can also check how your mail will look in both Mobile View and Desktop View, or you can click on Test to see how it will look by entering your email ID and clicking on Send. Once you feel satisfied with the template, click on Continue.

  1. You will be asked to create Your Contact List. Once you enter its name, click on Create List.

Upload CSV file

Note: Your file should be in the right format, where column (A) should have the names and column (B) should have the email addresses of your contacts.

  1. Navigate to the Upload CSV file dropdown and click on Choose File.

  1. Once you do, click on Import Email IDs.

Note: To properly import all the email addresses, your CSV file should be formatted correctly. Click here to download the sample file.

Import from Gmail

  1. Navigate to Import from Gmail dropdown and click on Import from Gmail.

  1. You will be asked to log in to your Gmail account. Once you sign in, you will be asked to allow us to import your Gmail contact information. Select the checkboxes and click on Continue. Your contacts will be successfully imported after this.

Add Manually

  1. Navigate to Add Manually dropdown, enter the Name and Email of your attendee, and click on Save. Keep repeating the same steps to add multiple contacts, and click on Continue once you are done.

  1. You can create a new contact list for event explorers, edit the list to add more contacts, delete a few of them, or delete the entire list as well.

  1. Once you finalize the list, select it and click on Send Email. We will update you with the number of email credits you are left with after sending emails to your contacts.

Note: AllEvents will send a specially designed email invitation to each email address you listed.

You can analyze your Campaign Performance by navigating to Manage Events → Event Dashboard → Email Campaigns.

You can create a new email campaign or duplicate it by clicking on the Actions dropdown.

Tip: It would be extremely convenient in the future if you organize your contacts in the appropriate category.

Should you require additional assistance or have any questions, please feel free to reach out to

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